NIA unveils ‘Steam 4 Innovator’ Program to build up young-gen innovators

5 June 2018 Startups

The National Innovation Agency (Public Organization) or NIA has unveiled ‘Steam 4 Innovator’ program to incubate prospect students with potentiality to be innovators.

The program aims to provide learning processes through which youths will learn to incorporate innovative ideas into their future projects or businesses. Many activities will also be organized such as Science Road Project, Innovative Ideas Competition, Business Pitching activities and many more as part of the programDr. Pan-Arj Chairatana, NIA’s Director, said the objectives of ‘Steam 4 Innovator’ program is to build up new innovators and encourage them to integrate ‘STEAM’ concepts of innovations into their business ideas. STEAM consists of 5 practical knowledge including science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics. They are considered essential elements that help add value to the existing businesses and services in this fast-changing environment. To make the ‘Steam 4 Innovator’ program become practical, NIA has also designed 4 learning processes to help youths become innovators.

The concepts include 1) ‘Steam + Insight’ or innovation from passion and imagination. The process aims to encourage youths to invent new ideas, find new solutions or add value to existing businesses; 2) Wow Idea or extend creative ideas, make clear focus and set clear goals in solving particular problems and create value-added businesses that meet the needs of target groups; 3) Biz Analysis, Biz Matching and Prototyping or concept design and total management solutions that link all relevant aspects as human, technology, resources as well as advice from experts so as to turn ideas into actual businesses; 4) Production and Diffusion or turning innovative ideas into action and develop them into real businesses.

As part of the program, NIA has also collaborated with Career Visa Thailand to organize ‘Founder Apprentice’ programs, matching 30 university students and newly graduates with the job positions in 22 innovation business entrepreneurs. Selected candidates will get the chance for on-the-job trainings and workshops that will enhance their innovation skills and prepare themselves to be future startups.

They will also try their hands on doing real jobs according to the given requirements such as marketing plan, application design, product development and so on. Participants will learn essential skills in real business practices include negotiation skills, marketing campaign for real products, design thinking which are one of the solutions that prepare youths to be future innovators.

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