E-Learning And Streaming Platform “Thai Livestream” To Create “Online School”

30 April 2020 Startups

Natthaporn Suchartkulawith, CMO & Co-founder Thai Livestream disclosed that all scheduled events of festivals, meetings, seminars, and live streaming have been cancelled due to Covid-19 pandemic, the company thus needed to change its business direction, moving toward online live broadcasting, online event, online meeting and seminar. The live events run on its FrogLive platform and other social media including YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as per requested by customers.

Meanwhile, it provides e-learning service to education institutes due to Covid-19 school closures, offering the testing system and assessment system to tutorial institutes, as well as the meeting, training and seminar for public and private companies.

She noted that the growth of its e-learning platform has increased from 27% to 40% this year, the company is now looking for EdTech startup partners to serve the growing customer demand. 

Thai Livestream is now also adding more agents to serve the growing numbers of customers and changing its sales and service model focusing on value creation, and attract new customer groups such as the public and private sectors, and general public. The company will create an effective online learning system, so-called “online school” platform in a bid to getting ready for the new normal.

In the future, every organizations, public and private sector, must have their own online working or online learning to lessen any risk and loss in case the Covid-19 rebound.