Data technology boosts real estate

7 August 2020 Startups

Data technology prompts banks, insurance and real estate companies to grow explosively and close deals faster, says COO of Baania. Its services  expected to be in 77 provinces within 1-2 years.

Weerawat Ratanawaraha Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer at Baania (Thailand) says that 3 main businesses that will enjoy an exponential growth driven by the company’s big data property technology are banks, insurance and real estate business. The prop-tech startup’s data analytics-driven platform will play a crucial role in an estimate of a property’s value, prices and risks as well as help people in the industries find more business opportunities. 

Financial institutions will greatly benefit from the prop-tech startup’s sophisticated property valuation tool which assists and enables them to accurately estimate the value of a property during loan approval process. The company’s unbeatable data-driven technology and platform will allow them to close deals within 24 hours, essentially leading to high liquidity.  Insurance companies, too, can make the most of its intelligent big data-driven platform. Any business transactions can be done in a heartbeat, resulting in a quicker close. Moreover, insurers can provide clients with insurance coverage and services that match their exact needs. Last but not least, with the help of Baania’s well-developed platform, real estate or property developers can build and expand their business opportunities to a tremendous extent.

Today, thanks to modern lifestyle, property buyers increasingly use digital platform when it comes to decision making process to buy a house, a townhouse or a condominium. During the Covid-19 era, all three businesses aforementioned are particularly in greater need of digital data, says Weerawat. In Thailand, Baania is considered the top provider of residential real estate information, data analytics and consumer insights. 

The digital data-driven company which has a B2B business model is now growing rapidly. It is the first and the only company that develops real-estate database in Thailand and South East Asia, providing real estate information from Big data sources, says Weerawat. The prop-tech startup has extensively-and unceasingly- developed and invested in Data Analytics, AI, Machine Learning and Big Data in hoping that clients will gain access to in-depth, reliable and accurate information. Armed with business alliances from government and private sectors of various expertise, Baania aims to expand its services in 77 provinces across the country within 1-2 years and accelerate the development of digital information technology so that it can keep pace with the ever-changing digital landscape and better provide services to companies in real estate business, be it housing, office or commercial buildings or industrial factories.