Keeping Kids Safe Online

24 July 2018 Lifestyle

Fortinet, a global leader in broad, integrated and automated cyber security solutions, cautioned to keep kids safe online.

As the Vice President of Information Security at Fortinet, Renee Tarun said she works to ensure Fortinet operates securely and to protect our systems and data from harm. “My other full time job (and the job I love the most!) is being “Mom” to my two kids. As a parent, I work to keep my kids safe wherever they venture, including online.”

The Internet can be a truly valuable resource for kids, as it can provide educational material, fun games, and ways to connect with their friends.  However, it can also be a playground for cyber bullying, malicious content, and criminals and predators who seek to prey on kids and their families for things such as identify theft, crime, and much worse.

As we go into the summer months and kids are out of school, they will have even more opportunity to spend time online.

Below are some things that you can consider doing to help keep your kids safe online:

1. Talk to your kids about your expectations for them online. Consider setting boundaries that may include rules about how long they are allowed to be on the computer, what sites they are allowed to visit, what software programs can be used, and what tasks or activities they are allowed to do based on age appropriateness, knowledge, and maturity.

2. Teach them the importance of keeping information private.

Be sure to also check their privacy settings on social media sites to prevent strangers from accessing personal information. These settings may not always be set up properly by default. Ensure that your kids understand:

  • Never give their name, phone number, email address, password, address, school name, or picture without your permission.
  • Don’t respond to malicious or hurtful posts.
  • Don’t open emails or attachments from people they don’t know.
  • Don’t get together with anyone they “meet” online.

3. Let them know that if they see something, say something . You should also talk to children about the dangers of the Internet so that they recognize suspicious behavior or activity.

4. Be aware of their computer activities. Know what your child is doing on the computer, including which websites they’re visiting. If they are using email, instant messaging, or chat rooms, make sure you have a sense of who they are communicating with and that your child actually knows the people they are talking to.

5. Keep computers in a common area. This can help prevent kids from doing things they shouldn’t do and it also gives you the opportunity to intervene if you notice a behavior that could have negative consequences.

6. Leverage your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Some ISPs offer services specifically designed to protect children online by restricting access to websites and communications features, such as email, chat, and instant messaging, by age, content, time, and other categories. Contact your ISP to see if any of these services are available.

7. Consider implementing parental controls. You may be able to set some parental controls within your web browser. Some browsers enable you to restrict or allow only certain websites to be viewed on your computer, a process known as whitelisting, and you can protect these settings with a password.