AppWar the mood and feel of startup world

14 July 2018 Lifestyle

In the world of startups, one of the most upsetting, heart-wrenching things for entrepreneurs to deal with is that their business ideas might be copied or imitated by copycats. Some of those ideas are successfully developed and even turned into flourishing businesses with valuations of $10 Billion.

However in “App War”, the latest movie by T-Moment Company, what has been essentially portrayed isn’t that nasty act of copying ideas. Rather, it seems the film’s essence is about “inspirations”.

Directed by Yanyong Kuru-aungkul, AppWar centers around sheer chance encounters between “Bomb” an app developer from Inviter Team who is a new face in the industry and “June”, a marketer from AmJoin. Given that they both are startup buffs, Bomb and June tend to act alike and have the same likings and desires. No wonder they are now smitten with each other. And that inspires Bomb to develop an application. However, he isn’t the only one who can come up with killer ideas. June, too, is inspired. She and her team developed an application based on a similar concept. And now the two of them have to be in a ferocious pitching competition to attract investment from a famous investor.

The film stars a group of rising stars as well as ‘Orn-Oung’ or Patchanan Jiajirachote, a team member of the hugely popular BNK48 girl group who plays a role of a young intern, a game changer in this war.

The marketing team of AppWar film has a well thought out marketing strategy that includes popcorn packaging which comes in two designs, the first one for fans of Amjoin team and the other one for Inviter team. Another intriguing gimmick is to make movie fans wonder whether to use “Ap” or “App” in the film. Now it’s certain that “Ap” is more fitting.

In addition, the film, as briefly seen in the teaser, perfectly captures and portrays the mood and feel of the world of startups, be it co-working spaces,   nail-biting pitches with investors or the portrayal of a big investor which conjures up the image and personalities of “Moo”, the CEO of Ookbee. Added to that is a race between two hearts. Each team has to find out the answers: How far this fierce competition would go and what actions would be way over the top, making them later regret?

Start up or start down…let’s find out on August 1.