“Hack Award 2019” the international pitch contest for startups

31 October 2018 Uncategorized

Osaka City Government and Osaka Business Partner City Council invite entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs (small-and-medium-sized enterprises) from Business Partner Cities (BPC) to participate in “Hack Osaka 2019” which is to be held in Osaka on March 13, 2019. 13:00 – 18:00.  In this event, various opportunities are offered to participating entrepreneurs for future business development and innovation through seminars, business plan pitch contest, showcase exhibition, and workshops.

Osaka City Government provides BPC special support program for entrepreneurs from BPC to challenge “Hack Award 2019”, an international business plan pitch contest which will lead to the chance to meet with potential investors, business supporters and collaborative partners in Osaka.

Osaka City Government has promoted business partnerships with 13 cities in the Asia and Pacific region.

Hack Osaka this year, the contestants will compete with their ideas and business models on the themes of sports tech and foodtech in addition to digital health, travel tech and smart cities. Participant companies should be in their seed or early stage, and operate IT-related businesses dealing with products or services in any field of the Internet of Things, the Internet, mobile technologies, software, digital content, or consumer electronics.

Apply through the website at

https://www.ibpcosaka.or.jp/bpc/en/events/event_190313.html Presentation material of your service/product should be submitted through the above on-line entry form.  If the presentation material exceeds 3MB, please send the file directly to the contact desk of Osaka Business Partner City Council (event@ibpcosaka.or.jp)

Application is valid to October 31 and results of documentary examination are to be notified to each applicant in mid-November. Travel arrangements to Osaka, Japan on March 12,  participation to Hack Osaka 2019 Conference on March 13 and business matching on March 14, 2019.

Hack Osaka 2019
Hack Osaka 2019-2
Hack Osaka 2019-3
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