Telenor Group and Nobel Peace Center select two young Thai leaders to reduce inequalities using digital solutions

14 October 2018 Technology

dtac announced the two Thai delegates who have been selected for the 2018-2019 Telenor Youth Forum, in cooperation with the Nobel Peace Center. This year’s delegation of 16 young people from across the globe will take on a mission to address inequalities in health through the use of digital technology.

Human health and related areas, such as access to healthcare and information, and fighting hunger and thirst, continue to top the lists of national and regional development agendas and dialogues. Most recently at the 2018 United Nations General Assembly, non-communicable diseases and universal health care were key topics on the agenda. Health’s omnipresence as a topic and its direct relationship with development, societal empowerment and human equality is why the Telenor Youth Forum has selected it as this year’s theme and focus.

The 16 Telenor Youth Forum delegates for the 2018-2019 programme are accomplished young leaders in the markets where Telenor operates. They were selected from a talent pool of more than 5,000 applicants, coming from Bangladesh, Denmark, Malaysia, Myanmar, Norway, Pakistan, Sweden and Thailand. (Telenor is a major shareholder in dtac.) From December 2018 to May 2019, the delegates will be challenged to develop solutions that combat inequalities in health from all angles.

“Whether it’s being better able to care for our elders or ensuring healthcare access and information for low-income and rural citizens, we all have a lot to gain by bridging health with technology. And who better to contribute to this effort than the 16 youth selected for the Telenor Youth Forum this year?” said Alexandra Reich, CEO, Total Access Communication PLC or dtac. “Reducing inequalities in health and in access to health services are integral to building a more promising, more peaceful future. Mobile networks and technology can play a vital role.”

The Telenor Youth Forum exists to give a global platform to passionate youth who want to effect change in the world – and to connect them with the resources and expertise needed to develop sustainable, digital solutions to urgent social challenges.

In this year’s programme, the delegation will be divided into four teams, each posed a unique health-related challenge to be announced at the Telenor Youth Forum kick-off in December.

The four teams will be scored throughout the programme based on concept proposals in Oslo in December, on progress between Oslo and the forum’s finale in Bangkok in May 2019 as well as on their final pitch at the finale. The winning team will be awarded NOK 100,000 to further develop their solutions. The four teams’ challenges, journey and their final concepts are then featured in a digital exhibition, sponsored by Telenor Youth Forum and the programme’s partners at the Nobel Peace Center.

“Every year, the Nobel Peace Center is pleased to partner with Telenor on this programme because we share a vision of a more peaceful future. We believe that mobilising bright young minds helps us pave the path toward that future,” said Liv Tørres, Executive Director of the Nobel Peace Center. “The technology and connectivity available to the world today makes it possible for all to contribute, and we think youth have the most at stake in starting this change.”